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Football Pool

After we receive your entry you will be emailed a link to register and set your team(s) up.

Entries are due by September 4th No exceptions

How it works?

● $20 entry per team (you can purchase multiple entries)

● Each player chooses one NFL team each week who they will believe will win. Picks are

made “straight up” there will not be a point spread system

● If your pick wins then you survive and get to keep playing (keep in mind you can only

pick a team 1 time during the regular season)

● Everyone will be given one mulligan so if you lose once you’re not out but you can’t lose

again. Mulligans only apply during regular season play

● Teams are reset for playoffs

● Picks must be made before the first game kicks off on Sunday. In the event you forget

to login and pick a team the system will pick a team for you by taking the team that has

the biggest point spread that the player has available to choose from.


50% to winners pool (1st , 2nd , and 3rd ) and the remaining 50% will go towards participation

awards (top selling students) and Encore.

Any questions please contact Chad Simpson 314-276-8473 or