All buses will unload in the circle drive in front of the high school.
Please have your students remain on the bus until our Host Parent arrives to stamp the hands of all singer/dancers, crew, band, and director(s).
Our Host Parent will give each director a packet with any updates, schedule changes, your homeroom assignments, and four (4) free admission wristbands. These wristbands are for free admittance to the competition and are to be distributed at the discretion of each director (i.e. accompanist, choreographer, make-up Mom, drew Dad, etc.)
All other supporters will be directed to the Admissions Table to pay for entrance into the competition. NO exceptions will be made to this policy. Thanks!
All equipment will be unloaded through the front doors of the school.
There will be areas on either side of the stage for set storage. The stage will be set up lengthwise in the gym.
There will be an area divided off in the back of the Commons for larger set pieces. Bring your equipment and sets down the right side of the Commons to the pre-set area. Pre-set pieces may be in place for one (1) hour before and one (1) hour after your performance and then must be returned to your trailer/truck via the front entrance.
Please contact Andrew Drinkall at (636) 399-1909 prior to our arrival if your backdrop, etc. is large to make arrangements ahead of time.
All instruments, props, costumes, etc. should remain in your homeroom(s) or your designated area until your performance.
Please CLEAR the backstage area at the end of your performance as backstage space is at a premium. Thanks!
ALL buses need to park in the lot which is the furthest EAST. A Host Parent will be on hand to speak with the bus drivers to give specific information.
No vehicles may remain in the circle drive after unloading.
Thanks, now that we got that out of the way...let's have a great competion!